Sunil's Music

Sunil's music is part of the Ashram life today. Some call it Ashram music, and others, not familiar with Sunil, even call it the Mother's music. In fact, Sunil himself always said it was the Mother's, for he took his inspiration from her; it was at her insistence that he began his musical explorations. His music has an unmistakable texture, and though it changed appreciably in tonal content from the early days of pedal-organs to the recent timbres of modern synthesisers, there remains a distinctive touch which can only be called Sunil's.

New Year Music
Book I: The Book of Beginnings
Book II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds
Book II Canto I
Book II Canto II
Book II Canto III
Book II Canto IV
Book II Canto V
He plunged his gaze into the siege of mist
4.3 MB 
Astonished by the unaccustomed glow
3.1 MB 
An ocean of electric Energy
3.6 MB 
At first she raised no voice, no motion dared
3.4 MB 
Then man was moulded from the original brute
4.4 MB 
A fragile human love that could not last
3.3 MB 
A spirit that perished not with the body and breath
3.8 MB 
A thinking puppet is the mind of life
3.7 MB 
In a narrow plot he has pitched his tent of life
2.3 MB 
Our seekings are short-lived experiments
4 MB 
It works to find the doer of all works
2.8 MB 
Across the cosmic field through narrow lanes
3.6 MB 
A door is cut in the mud wall of self
3.3 MB 
This little being of Time, this shadow-soul
3.6 MB 
But first the spirit's ascent we must achieve
4 MB 
He through the astral chaos shore a way
4.7 MB 
Book II Canto VI
Book II Canto VII
Book II Canto IX
Book II Canto X
Book II Canto XI
Book II Canto XII
Book II Canto XIII
Book II Canto XIV
Book II Canto XV
Book III: The Book of the Divine Mother
Book IV: The Book of Birth and Quest
Book V: The Book of Love
Book VI: The Book of Fate
Book VII: The Book of Yoga
Book VIII: The Book of Death
Book IX: The Book of Eternal Night
Book X: The Book of the Double Twilight